On a Nile Rive Cruise Ship

April is Arab American Heritage Month and National Poetry Month. When I taught a poetry elective class at a high school in Columbia, SC, our city’s Poet Laureate spearheaded a project to publish locally-written poetry about rivers on our city’s buses. Here is my contribution about an experience I had attending a river boat wedding in Egypt as a child along with a picture of me dancing with a belly dancer at my own wedding in 2023.

Mona Elleithee Sullivan is an Egyptian-American educator and founder of Renewed Harmony. She is the proud mother of Omar & Dina Gabr and wife of Dale Sullivan.

National Arab Heritage Month is an annual event during the month of April. This blog post is part of the #30DaysArabVoices Blog Series, a month-long movement to feature the voices of Arabs as writers and scholars. Please CLICK HERE to read yesterday’s blog post by Noor Ali.