Administrator Support

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“We built an amazing Bill of Rights for Teachers as an admin team. It was very powerful.”

I was most surprised by the heaviness of the work that it took to create the teachers’ bill of rights. I did not envision that being a task that would be so powerful, but I feel that the work we did on this was the most powerful for our growth as a school.

Kristan Alewine
Middle School Administrator
Greenville, SC

It is our honor to coach administrators on authentic leadership strategies in addition to facilitating staff trainings. When we serve our administrators and teachers with the same loving compassion that we extend to our students, we can build more supportive schools for all. We help school leaders concerned with student disparities, school climate, and teacher attrition learn how to retain, empower, and revitalize their teachers so they can facilitate the teacher-led implementation of strategies that work without losing additional time responding with interventions to issues that could have been prevented proactively.

We offer administrative consulting packages for your school leaders. We prefer to work together with your entire administration team to conduct an in-depth data inquiry. After analysis of your school’s data, we will work together to build a strategic plan aligned with your needs. We employ research-based strategies to customize staff development to yield measurable outcomes in areas for growth by facilitating enhanced:

  • Administrative Team Retreats

  • Classroom Walkthroughs and Observations

  • Instructional and Behavioral Coaching

  • Student Focus Groups

  • Teacher-Led Professional Learning Communities


Administrative Team Retreats

Bridging the Discipline Divide: Using your own school’s discipline policy manuals, intervention strategies and referral data, your team will discuss trends, analyze causal factors for misbehaviors and learn steps and strategies for eliminating discipline disparities systemically. 

Action Plans for Eliminating Gaps: We specialize in closing gaps by transforming school climate and culture and decreasing disparities in school discipline data and academic performance. Our strategic plans are built on successful methods highlighted in current research and employed by schools with similar demographics and challenges.

The Coach Approach: After learning strategies for enhanced instructional and classroom management coaching, your administrators will apply these strategies in practice. Although this session is a component of our administration team retreat, we can also conduct it separately to invite your instructional coaches, interventionists, content specialists, and mentor teachers.