Staff Trainings

Professional Development Offerings

Click on the titles below to read a detailed description of the workshops, training sessions, and courses that we offer. Many of these offerings were customized per the requests of our clients. Reach out to begin exploring professional learning partnership possibilities that align with your school improvement goals.




  • Equitable Grading Practices (Course)

  • Intercultural Instructional Practices (Course)

  • Integrating Equity Across the Arts (Workshop or Course)

Click here to visit our Teachable School to enroll in our asynchronous courses. Upon completion of any course, receive a certificate for continuing education units (recertification credit).

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“Mona... empower[ed] us to engage in quality conversations and systems analysis about equity, self-efficacy, and relationship- building.”

Mona constructed multiple professional development experiences for our staff at Eau Claire HS, empowering us to engage in quality conversations and systems analysis about equity, self-efficacy, and relationship-building. She brought energy and enthusiasm to every session, and she challenged us to acknowledge our biases while we enhanced internal and external compassion and resilience. Mona is an equitable educator and she structured every session to maximize instructional time, personalize learning, and seek fluid feedback. I highly recommend Renewed Harmony to every school because her ongoing work is our ongoing work and our ongoing work is her ongoing work!

Our ninth-grade team’s total referral numbers declined by 32% in one school year.

Charles Seamans
Secondary School Administrator
Columbia, SC


School transformation requires strategic planning to motivate and mobilize all stakeholders. However, one of the biggest complaints we have heard from teachers about other school level professional development sessions is that they often lack connection and continuity. That’s why we offer a three-year approach to empower teachers with the right scope and sequencing to fully invest in this transformation process.

The main objective of our work is to increase student-learning outcomes by supporting the social-emotional well-being of your faculty members. By enhancing the emotional intelligence and cultural competence of your team, you will see significant changes in your staff morale and overall climate of your school community. We provide research-based methods to enhance staff tool kits for reaching students at risk of failing or dropping out. Our approach offers administrators and teachers with opportunities for introspection about their beliefs before sharing strategies to enhance their policies and practices. As a result, educators report increased self-confidence and stronger relationships with their students. 

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“I have been in education for twenty years and I must say that Mona Elleithee has been the best PD presenter I have had the pleasure to learn from and be challenged by.”

Mona Elleithee is not only a dynamic presenter, but she is thorough in her research. Oftentimes professional development leaders will speak on the "latest and greatest" approach to try in the classroom, but there isn't much substance to what is being presented. Mona puts forth the effort to not only read up on the latest trends but she researches the efficacy level of the trends. She is able to synthesize her research in a way that is palpable - while she shares the research findings and the efficacy levels, she does so in a way that is exciting and empowering. I never feel bogged down with the details in one of her professional development presentation. Her presentation style is infused with humor, pop culture references, and the arts, all while staying on topic. Her handouts are designed in such a way to keep attendees engaged and are the best takeaways I have ever received in PD. I have been in education for twenty years and I must say that Mona Elleithee has been the best PD presenter I have had the pleasure to learn from and be challenged by.

Reina Floyd
High School Math Teacher
Columbia, SC


Our Framework

The National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University states that "Cultural competence is a developmental process that evolves over an extended period. Both individuals and organizations are at various levels of awareness, knowledge and skills along the cultural competence continuum" (adapted from Cross et al., 1989). For this reason, we highly recommend a long-term investment in this work. Click here to read a detailed description of the scope and sequencing of our three-year professional learning progression.

Each course can be offered in sections with any combination of in-person sessions, live virtual trainings, asynchronous learning sessions, and/or as a hybrid for extended independent learning. 

Our Outcomes


  • Increases seat time

  • Increases student engagement

  • Increases teacher and student motivation

  • Increases collective teacher efficacy

  • Improves student-teacher relationships

  • Improves student behavior

  • Decreases behavioral referrals

  • Decreases exclusionary discipline

  • Decreases student-teacher conflicts

  • Increases self-awareness and self-management

  • Increases resilience

  • Increases teacher attendance and retention

  • Increases self-esteem

  • Improves school climate and culture

  • Builds relationship skills

  • Builds collective teacher efficacy

  • Decreases interpersonal conflicts

  • Increases the rigor for all students, including those who are dependent learners

  • Increases educators’ capacity to improve learning outcomes for all students, focusing on those with special needs; those with cultural, racial, and linguistic differences; those from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds; and those in foster care

  • Improves academic performance by equipping teachers with practical feedback and assessment strategies

  • Improves student and teacher efficacy

  • Builds educators’ repertoire of evidence-based instructional approaches for diverse student learning needs

  • Establishes professional communities of practice to support mutually agreed-upon student learning goals and outcomes