Other Offerings

Click on the links to read the SC Department of Education’s memo announcing this offering and the event flyer with more details.

Our work with Mona has truly been a significant experience. With her support we have been able to work together to bring a more consistent and effective approach to handling situations where students are not living up to our expectations. Our major discipline referrals decreased by 43% and our minor discipline referrals decreased by 70%.
— Casey Faulkenberry, Middle School Principal

“Allow me to thank you for demystifying classroom management… The Gift of Peace I received this year was The Phone Procedure… My students were surprisingly aboard… I was excited not only to see it work smoothly but also to see my rate of phone violation referrals drop considerably. I saw the total number of referrals I wrote decrease from 161 last year to 45 this year. That is a 72% decrease!”
— Ghislaine Nsangou, French Language Teacher

“The most significant learning I took away from this session is the importance of self-evaluation and doing self check-ins. I got so much out of doing the Energy Efficiency Evaluator activity. My only suggestion is that you share this information across the country, in every school district, and every school.”
— Cara Finley, 22-year veteran special education teacher, SC

Extended Learning

“As an activist, I have dedicated my career to working with others to address the disparities present in our school climate, curriculum, discipline, and performance data. The theme unifying each learning opportunity shared is to empower adults with strategies and tools to build and maintain successful outcomes for each student. Please join me at an upcoming event or access a past event to extend your learning and be a part of the solution. Together, we can connect as educators committed to integrity in the classroom and beyond.”

- Mona Elleithee Sullivan, Founder, Renewed Harmony