Free Resources


educator affirmations

More often than we realize, when we experience strong emotions under pressure, we may be unconsciously shaming ourselves with negative self-talk. If you are struggling to find the energy to push through the challenges of teaching and leading, check out this tool to cope with your stressors. Positive self-talk is one strategy we can use to show ourselves the compassion we need to thrive. Please use these educator affirmations to counter your inner critic. Post these words in your workspace and read them out loud to remind yourself daily how awesome it is to be a growing educator.


staff relationship style inventory

What's the vibe like when your teachers collaborate in grade level teams or departments? This coaching tool has been designed to help educators consider how they operate with one another in their professional learning communities.

An essential element for growing in our self-awareness involves objectively considering our beliefs, actions, and interactions without harshly judging ourselves or others. This resource will best serve individuals and teams who approach it from a curious and compassionate stance without condemnation or shame.

This tool has been designed for self-reflection, so participants are encouraged to use it flexibly to suit their needs.