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Welcome to Renewed Harmony! We partner with educators, school leaders, and district leaders to transform school culture and leadership. Through tailored professional development, leadership retreats, coaching, and consulting, our approach consistently delivers measurable results: schools report significant declines in discipline referrals, increased collective teacher efficacy, and dramatic reductions in failing grades. By fostering interdependence, aligning values with practices, and enhancing leadership skills, we help create thriving environments where students and staff succeed together.


We provide powerful, engaging, and results-driven transformation coaching catered to your current needs and desired outcomes. We build stakeholder capacity within and across your organization. By implementing research-based improvement plans and strategic professional development sessions, we collaborate with your team to improve results.

Because meaningful, lasting change takes time, we approach this important work in stages. In phase one, we improve climate and culture by building leadership tool kits to energize staff morale, reignite professional passion, and retain employees. In phase two, we enhance the emotional intelligence skills of your adult learners to embolden their resilience tool kits before embarking on our third phase where we teach high effect-size instructional practices. We know it’s all about relationships, so we specialize in building the intrapersonal and interpersonal bridges that develop healthy connections with one’s self and others to grow and thrive. This is our work.

VISION: Each student and staff member will belong and grow within safe schools led by authentic leaders who utilize research-based practices to reach desired outcomes together.

MISSION: We help school leaders concerned with student disparities, school climate, and teacher attrition learn how to retain, empower, and revitalize their teachers by confidently facilitating the faculty-led implementation of effective strategies.

CORE VALUES: (1) Supportive Relationships: We build relational trust by affirming strengths, assets, and identity. (2) Interdependent Culture: We facilitate strategic team-building activities that build collective efficacy. (3) Continuous Improvement: We use our growth mindset to facilitate compassionate and healing adult learning experiences. (4) Measurable Outcomes: We coach stakeholders on authentic leadership strategies that produce results.

BELIEFS: We view each individual stakeholder in our schools as a leader of the outcomes we envision and implement together. Educators we serve renew their commitment to their purpose by viewing themselves as interdependent instruments of a collective with the autonomy to authentically lead their students to empowerment. Our clients stop losing valuable time spent on interventions to issues that could have been prevented proactively; thereby, minimizing challenging behaviors and maximizing learning gains.


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Together, we can enhance student achievement through strengthened teacher-student relationships and improve teacher satisfaction to ensure student and employee retention.